Rubber Industry Development Board

Rubber Industry Development Board Structure

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The Board’s core function is stipulated under Section 7 of the Rubber Industry Development Act 2022. The Board is mandated to regulate and grow the rubber industry while ensuring compliance by industry operations with the globally accepted standards and technical specification of the industry. Essentially, by reaching out to the rural based out-grower farmers, the Board must strive to grow the industry.


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for the general administration and oversight of the administrative affairs of the Rubber Industry Development Board. The incumbent will report to the Board and the Minister and ensure the functions and powers of the Board under the Rubber Industry Development Act 2022 are implemented and exercised.

The CEO provides the strategic directions to the management and staff of the Board to grow and develop the rubber industry in Papua New Guinea and reports to the Board and the Minister.

The Chief Executive Officer supports the Members of the Board and the Minister in the management of the Board. As the Head of the executive management team, the incumbent provides strategic leadership, advice, and directives to the Directors or Executive Management team of the Board for the operational efficiency of the Board and ensures policy is given due consideration.

 The Rubber Inspectors are responsible for inspection of the technical specification of rubber products, report directly to the CEO and form part of the Executive Office. The Rubber Inspectors functions and powers are provided under Sections 35-38 of the Rubber Industry Development Act 2022 and are critical for the functioning of the Board. The inspectors report directly to the Chief Executive Officer or Chairperson and form part of the CEO’s Office function.  It is expected that there will be two Rubber Inspectors on the Board.


Corporate Services is responsible for providing timely advice and support to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Executive Chairperson on corporate affairs matters in respect of financial, human resource, and general administration and ensuring coordination of critical support systems and resources to facilitate the implementation of core activities and overall operations of the Board.

The division is also responsible for Industrial Affairs matters of the Board by coordinating compliance and enforcement of policies, plans, and regulations developed under the Rubber Industry Development Act 2022 to –

    1. Ensure that management decisions are implemented.

    • Foster close working relations with other government departments and agencies and provincial administrations in relation to corporate service matters of the Board.

    • Support collaboration and partnership with development partners in securing technical assistance for capacity building programs.

    1. Contribute to dialogue through inter- government agencies to support effective management of finance, human resource and IT initiatives of the Board.

    • Promote and maintain the Public Service Code of Ethics and Conduct.

    • Maintain a safe and conducive work environment inclusive of the COVID-19 (Niupela Pasin).

    • Convene divisional meetings.

    •  Ensure the rubber industry operators and stakeholders are well informed of their expected statutory compliance matters and the consequences of breaches or non-compliance.

    • Ensure compliance, monitoring and evaluation reports are periodically submitted to the Members of the Board.


The operations division will oversee field operational matters of the Board in respect of the plan, organization, direction, control and evaluation of the performance of field operations (farms and processing factories) of the Board throughout the country. Operations is the blood-nerve of the Board and this division is responsible for the field operational efficiency of the Board.

Critical in its functions is the coordination of rubber extension services to rural smallholder farmers including farmer training on integrated farming techniques and all other technical training requirements to ensure rural farmers increase the value of their produce for increased financial gains.

Essentially the operations division will –

    • To implement all government intervention programs such as price support programs, down streaming processing and extension services to all farmers in rubber growing provinces.

    • Foster close working relations with other government departments and agencies and provincial administrations in relation to operational matters of the Board.

    • Support collaboration and partnership with development partners in securing technical assistance for rubber technical programs.

    1. ensure regional based operation managers deliver their functions and exercise powers of the Board under the Rubber Industry Development Act 2022.


Promotes effective research and delivers effective extension services in the upstream and midstream value chains of rubber products.

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Waigani, NCD, 121 PNG

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