Rubber Industry Development Board

Board of Directors

The Rubber Board of Directors consists of ten representatives from various sectors, including government bodies, rubber industry stakeholders, resource owners, non-governmental organizations, and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Rubber Board.

The Rubber Board meets quarterly and holds additional special meetings when necessary to fulfil its responsibilities as defined by the governing legislation. Within its mandate, the Rubber Board:
(a) Provides overarching control and guidance in the execution of the Rubber Board’s functions and powers, as stipulated by relevant
(b) May, based on the CEO’s recommendation, make determinations concerning licenses in accordance with the provisions of the Rubber Act.
(c) Undertakes any other functions and exercises powers as explicitly granted by the Rubber Act or any other pertinent legislation. The CEO of the Rubber Board reports to and receives guidance from the Rubber Board, ensuring effective governance and organizational performance.

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Promotes effective research and delivers effective extension services in the upstream and midstream value chains of rubber products.

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Central Government Office
Waigani, NCD, 121 PNG

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