Rubber Industry Development Board

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National Policy Alignment and Legislation


Rubber Industry Development Act 2022: This legislation establishes the framework for the development, regulation, and promotion of the rubber industry in Papua New Guinea. It outlines the roles, functions, and powers of the Rubber Board and provides a legal basis for its operations.


Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP): The MTDP is a comprehensive national development plan that sets out the strategic priorities and targets for various sectors, including agriculture. The MTDP provides the overall policy direction and goals for the development of the rubber industry in Papua New Guinea.



NAMP is the Agriculture Sector Master Plan designed to provide the overarching policy directive and oversight on the development of the Sector. All industries including rubber within the sector  shall align their respective program-based policies, strategic plans and corporate plans with NAMP for effective alignment, collaboration and development of the sector as a whole. As a conceptual framework, NAMP must be disaggregated into program based policies, strategic plans and corporate plans for each industry.


 Rubber Industry Development Policy 2023-2027: This policy document focuses specifically on the rubber industry and provides a strategic framework for its development. It outlines the key priorities, objectives, and strategies to be pursued by the Rubber Board and other stakeholders in the industry.


 Rubber Industry Strategic Development Plan 2023-2033: This strategic plan sets out a long-term vision and roadmap for the growth and development of the rubber industry in Papua New Guinea. It identifies key interventions, investment priorities, and performance indicators to guide the industry’s progress.


Aligned with PNG Vision 2050, the Development Strategic Plan 2010-2033, and the Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP) III and IV, the Rubber Board acknowledges the national development policy aspirations outlined in the National Goals and Directive Principles of the Constitution.


Promotes effective research and delivers effective extension services in the upstream and midstream value chains of rubber products.

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Central Government Office
Waigani, NCD, 121 PNG

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